Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Oxylight

The Oxylight is an instrument that uses a high frequency electrical current to generate activated oxygen to fight acne, wrinkles and to stimulate the skin.

Click here to learn more about the Oxylight

Purification: Oxylight produces one of the most powerful ingredients for purification - ozone. Ozone is used in a number of applications for the elimination of bacteria: water purification, air cleaning, even for the sterilization of surgical instruments. Well, it does the same on your skin, and clean skin is healthy skin. The Oxylight will provide a level of purification you have never before experienced.

Massage: Normal massage, while good for your muscles, is not good for your skin. It stretches your skin to cause permanent elongation of the delicate tissue. Oxylight, on the other hand, massages by patting the skin. This patting action allows for a massage, without stretching. The massage has 2 beneficial properties: It increases circulation and it improves lotion penetration.

Increased Circulation: There are only two ways to feed nutrients to your skin: from the inside or from the outside. Oxylight helps with both. From the inside, the stimulating massage action encourages blood to flow to the surface of your skin to provide much needed nutrients to all of the dermal layers. You will see this almost immediately as your skin begins to take on a new glow.

Improved Penetration: Your skin is fed from the outside using moisturizers and skin care lotions. The massaging action of the Oxylight will improve penetration of these products to more effectively feed your complexion, forcing your skin care products down into the many layers. Some of these layers have never been fed before and now, with Oxylight, you will begin to see improved life in your complexion.

Increased Drainage: There are two major drainage systems in your face: sinus and lymphatic. The gentle massaging action of the Oxylight will help promote drainage of these systems to reduce the puffiness that often accompanies aging skin. Follow the exercise program provided to achieve maximum benefits from your Oxylight.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Oxylight

Here's a great new website that covers everything you need to know about the oxylight:

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


The Oxylight is an instrument that use high frequency electrical current to generate activated oxygen to fight acne, wrinkles and to stimulate the skin. It generates enriched oxygen, and oxygen kills bacteria. The high-frequency current gently stimulates, purifies and exfoliates the skin as it improves blood flow in the treated areas.

Click here to learn more about the oxylight

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

7 Tips on how to use the Oxylight

7 tips on how to maximize the use of the Oxylight... Click Here to learn more

Oxylight Review

A comprehensive review of the Oxylight. Click here to learn more...

Monday, April 23, 2007

Oxylight Review

The Oxylight is an instrument that use high frequency electrical current to generate activated oxygen to fight acne, wrinkles and to stimulate the skin. It generates enriched oxygen, and oxygen kills bacteria. The high-frequency current gently stimulates, purifies and exfoliates the skin as it improves blood flow in the treated areas. High-frequency current has also been shown to increase the absorption and penetration of products into your skin, making them more effective, along with increased production of collagen and elastin in the skin.

High-frequency current was discovered in the 1800's by Nikola Tesla. Its anti-bacterial effect and other health benefits were noted, and it was used to treat strep throat and other infections before the advent of 'modern' antibiotics. In the 1970's, European salons discovered the cosmetic and healing benefits of high frequency electrical stimulation on the skin, and by the 1980's, it was being used in North America. When this technology was introduced, the instruments were large and expensive, and so were the treatments. Several years ago, it was condensed into an affordable handheld device that clients could take home to augment and extend their clinical treatments for even more effective and dramatic results.

The Oxylight has a stippling activity which is like hundreds of fingers patting the skins surface at 10,000 cycles per second. This activity provides a gentle exfoliation, and stimulates blood flow, and the production of collagen and elastin. The result is plumper, firmer skin.

The Oxylight promotes a deeper penetration of skin care product, causing a marked difference, compared to using wrinkle creams alone. When moisturizers penetrate into the skin they can nourish deeper into the tissue and cause a cushioning effect. The Oxylight also produces enriched oxygen, which naturally purifies the skin, much like a natural and a non-invasive exfoliation. This mild exfoliation leaves the skin more receptive to moisturizers or wrinkle creams. When using the Oxylight for about 1 minute before applying any products, more debris is eliminated and our products work more effectively. Instead of debris lingering in the skin tissue, moisturizer is taking its place.

As we age, our skin gets thinner, so it's more fragile and vulnerable to fine lines and wrinkles. By the age of 40, we experience a 60% increase in lines and wrinkles -- women more so than men. Using Oxylight in conjunction with a moisturizer doubles the cushioning effect. First, it penetrates the product further into the skin; Second, it enhances circulation to the area and bringing more live fresh cells to help to restructure the creased areas. Even after just one treatment, you will see a difference. The Oxylight increases the blood flow, re-textures the surface, aids lymphatic drainage, and firms and tones the skin. The enriched oxygen breathes new life into tired, aging skin, giving it a youthful glow.

The Oxylight imitates hundreds of tiny fingers patting the skin's surface at 10,000 cycles per second can aid in decongesting puffy and saggy eyes and help to eliminate the dark circles. Creams and lotions do not have an "activity function," and are applied superficially, often with very limited response. To create a more firmed appearance and diminish the appearance of swelling, an activity must take place. The Oxylight's pulsing action helps disperse the excess fluid, while increasing blood circulation in the area.

Click Here to try the Oxylight risk Free for 30 Days